Tech & AI

xAI’s “Colossus” supercomputer raises health questions in Memphis

Elon Musk’s AI startup xAI plans to continue using 15 gas turbines to power its “Colossus” supercomputer in Memphis, Tennessee, according to an operating permit with the Shelby County Health Department for non-stop turbine use from June 2025 to June 2030.

Why does it matter? The Commercial Appeal, a news outlet that obtained the documents, observes that environmental concerns have emerged as the 20-year-old turbines emit hazardous air pollutants (HAP), including formaldehyde, at levels exceeding the EPA’s 10-ton annual cap for a single source. (Per the story, the facility’s operating permit self-reports that the turbines each emit 11.51 tons of HAP per year. The outlet also notes that 22,000 people live within five miles of the facility.)

The turbines have already been running since summer 2024 without public notice or oversight, says Eric Hilt, a spokesperson with Southern Environmental Law Center, the large environmental nonprofit organization, and the permits don’t account for those emissions.

“It’s another example of the company not being transparent with the community or with local leaders,” Hilt tells The Commercial Appeal.

The health department tells the outlet the permits have not yet been approved, and there is “no set timeline for approval.”

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